Preparing Your Moncton Home for a Fall Sale: 5 Essential Steps

As the sun-soaked days of mid-summer gradually give way to the cool embrace of fall, the real estate industry in Moncton, like clockwork, enters a period of increased activity. While last year's real estate landscape was undoubtedly influenced by the pandemic's effects, this year paints a more familiar picture.

The summer months often see families enjoying vacations and focusing on temporary abodes rather than their permanent dwellings. However, as September ushers in early autumn, the real estate market picks up momentum, particularly in terms of new listings.

With this in mind, homeowners contemplating a change of scenery can seize a prime opportunity by proactively preparing their homes for sale ahead of the fall season. As seasoned Realtors®, and certified home stagers, we comprehend the strategies that can optimize your home's value and yield the highest returns.

Here are five paramount steps to ready your home for a successful fall sale.

Tackle Essential Repairs

While it might not be the most glamorous task, completing essential repairs and renovations stands as the most lucrative endeavor before listing your home for sale. Any existing damage or deficiencies can significantly detract from your home's value in the eyes of potential buyers. Addressing these issues prior to listing is crucial, as the cost of rectifying them will inevitably factor into negotiations.

During summer, minor home repair projects sometimes fall by the wayside, especially those linked to aspects less frequently used during warmer weather, such as heating systems, insulation, or cold-weather storage. However, for a home sale that fetches the highest value, flawless appearances must go hand in hand with impeccable functionality.

Elevate Your Curb Appeal

It's no secret that the first impression your home makes on potential buyers is from its exterior. This initial impression is a lasting one and can significantly impact a buyer's perception of the entire property. Therefore, enhancing your home's curb appeal is a paramount pre-sale task.

Summer's beauty tends to complement homes' exteriors, aided by warm weather and lush foliage. However, autumn poses unique challenges, as leaves fall, rains descend, and outdoor upkeep becomes more intricate. To bolster your home's curb appeal, tackle tasks such as gutter cleaning, disposal of yard waste, retouching paint, washing siding and windows, and safeguarding outdoor furniture.

To ensure your home embodies the season's allure, consider engaging professional landscaping services to breathe new life into your outdoor spaces. Compelling landscaping can wield remarkable influence over a home's sale prospects.

Create a Neutral Interior

When orchestrating showings, it's paramount that potential buyers can envision themselves living within the space. To facilitate this, neutralize your home's interior decor to invite imagination and minimize personal distractions. Renting storage space or seeking assistance from friends and family to stow away distinctive decor items can help create a neutral canvas.

Hiring the One Stop Staging professional home staging team might also be worth considering. A predominantly empty space can inspire novel layout ideas and provide fresh perspectives. Experimenting with a clean slate could even lead to re-introducing personal items that amplify your home's appeal.

Deep Cleaning for Immaculateness

Decluttering often reveals that a space is dirtier than anticipated. Dust, often inconspicuous, becomes apparent once furniture and decorations are moved. This is the ideal moment for a thorough clean before showings and walkthroughs. While some tasks can be handled independently, such as floor and tile cleaning, others, like carpet cleaning and power washing, might necessitate professional help.

Presenting an immaculate environment upon a potential buyer's initial entry is pivotal. Whether through personal efforts or professional services, aim for a pristine presentation that leaves a lasting impression.

Revitalize with Touch-Up Paint Jobs

Before serious staging and marketing endeavours, it's beneficial to refresh or retouch key areas, both indoors and outdoors. Exterior touch-ups can restore doors, windowsills, steps, decks, and other wooden structures. Addressing problematic spots, like chipped or discoloured areas, is also crucial.

For interior spaces, accent items like banisters, cupboards, and cabinetry should be revived, while walls can have a significant impact. Opting for warm neutral tones, such as white, off-white, or light grey, can expand visual space and resonate with a broader audience.

Repainting can be approached independently or with professional help. The objective is to present your home as a fresh and inviting canvas that captivates potential buyers.

The Path to a Successful Fall Sale

As the Moncton real estate market gears up for the fall surge, a proactive approach to preparing your home for sale can substantially enhance your success. Embracing these five pivotal steps—addressing repairs, boosting curb appeal, neutralizing interiors, deep cleaning, and revitalizing with paint touch-ups—can position your property for a compelling fall sale.

Ready to Begin Your Journey?

If you're primed to navigate the fall real estate market with a prepared home, we're here to guide you. Connect with us and embark on a journey to maximize your home's value and achieve a successful fall sale. Your Moncton real estate goals await with One Stop Staging!